Evolution is a slow and ongoing event for biological species, however, for technological advancement, the speed is much faster. In today’s digitally advanced world, technology is changing at a rapid pace, and a previous technology is surpassing the other with particular updates and achievements.
Due to this unpredictable development of the technology world, one facet of it always on the change – the programming language. With the improvements and the additions of the new programming initiatives, there will be significant developments in the programming language used for the processes. Here is a concise discussion of the several challenging programming languages utilized in 2021.
Utilized in every discipline
A programming language is an important part of every discipline, be it Web Development, Machine learning, Data science, and other digital fields. Quite naturally, the demand for these languages increases or decreases according to the demand and popularity among the coders. To stay relevant in the job market, the programmers will need to stay updated with all the events and indices of these languages. Some of the factors that a beginner in this field is required to consider before choosing a particular language are;
- Demand
- Acceptance
- Opportunities for jobs.
- Applications in different fields.
- Relevance in the digital scenario.
The different languages
There are hundreds of different programming languages in the world, and distilling among them for the proper language applicable for your particular scenario is a daunting task. With all the applicable conditions in mind, let us know about the different programming languages in demand this year;
- Python
This programming language is a favorite among the developers because of its compatibility with trending technologies like Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). In one of the ranking reports of the year 2020, python outranked even JAVA as the second most programming language in demand. According to statistical reports, this language has experienced 18-19% growth in the last 5 years. In several other famous platforms such as Stack, Overflow, Github, this programming language is ranked as a favorite.
People starting with the programming domain have favored python over other programming languages. The most basic reason is that it contains a syntax that is easy to read, learn, and use. The language is used in website development, data development, software development, along with AI and ML mentioned previously. It offers some fulfilling features like library support, smooth integration with other languages, automatic garbage collection, GUI programming support, and many others. Some of the python frameworks that make this thing convenient and efficient are Django, Flask, Pyramid, etc.
- JavaScript
This language is one of the renowned programming languages that is still favored by many programmers and has even outlived several other languages coming after it. In a well-favored ranking report, this language has been included among the top programming languages consistently. Additionally, some survey depicts the language as the most popular language. This language is used by several digital giants, namely, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Uber, etc.
It is mainly known for adding responsive elements on the web pages but has a wide range of applications, such as web improvement, game development, mobile application expansion, and many others. It is also used for the development of front-end and back-end development and features compatibility with frameworks like React, Vue, and Node, which makes it a favorite among the programmers. JavaScript is slated to hold a high place in the demand curve of languages for 2021 as it is still dominant on the internet and a huge number of websites are relying on this particular language.
Although the demand and use of this language seem to reduce over the years the statistics reveal the ongoing demand and usefulness in the digital world. A little example would suffice; there are still 8 million users of JAVA across the world. According to the reports of several platforms, the language holds a place in the 1st three ranking spots.
The programming language is object-oriented and features an effective principle of ‘Write Once Run Anywhere’ which enables the JAVA code to be executed in any platform that supports JAVA without compiling again. The language is utilized in the development of Android program along with Web Applications, Desktop Applications, and Scientific Applications, etc. companies like Adobe, Amazon, Flipkart is using these programming in their projects and are providing high-paying jobs to the JAVA developers. The following factors in this programming language indicate that learning it will be a great opportunity in the coming years;
- Substantial demand in the tech world
- Huge community support
- Popular frameworks such as Spring & Hibernate
- Multithreading feature
- Automatic memory allocation
- Spontaneous garbage collection
- Platform independence.
- C / C++
These languages have now become timeless as even after its development many years ago, it is occupying a substantial portion of the demand in the tech world. At the TIOBE index of 2021, C and C++ have been awarded the first and fourth positions respectively. Some of the industrial concerns where the demand for workers with C/C++ knowledge are Adobe, Oracle, Microsoft, and Nvidia. Learning this language at these times is not only beneficial from a career perspective but will help to learn other programming languages with ease.
In particular, C is a broad-purpose technical language and is majorly used in the expansion of low-level systems like operating systems, kernel development, and others. Other programming languages follow the properties of this particular language. In contrast, C++ is an object-oriented coding language, developed primarily as an extension of C. The field of use of this language is Game Development, GUI & Desktop applications, and Competitive Programming.
Choosing according to the field
The list of languages does not end there. There are many other programs like C#, PHP, Kotlin, and R used in the different digital fields. As a developer or someone looking to excel in the field of coding languages, it is better to choose the area of work before the choice is made. Also, learning programming languages that function in multiple avenues will be a clever decision.